Most of us, at some point, feel disappointed with life.  Maybe we expected it to be more. More joy.  More peace.  More connection with others.  More meaning.  We’re not looking for perfection, but is this all there is? 

You may recognize this feeling as grief, anxiety, loneliness, depression, addiction, or you may be unable to give it a name.  It may surface in you individually, or in your relationships. 

That nagging sense of discontent serves as a wake up call and it deserves attention.  

This is the purpose of my practice. I believe that this sorrow or dis-ease turns into the fertile ground on which a rich life grows when we explore it together and give it meaning. I work with individuals and couples looking to cultivate that awareness. There are no cookie-cutter solutions to this sort of untangling and re-imagining so I use a variety of modalities to help us navigate the territory, most notably Internal Family Systems (IFS), somatic awareness, and expressive arts. My work is personal. I believe we are transformed by relationship as much as insight.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— C.G. Jung

About Sara

After spending a good chunk of my life working with organizations on team building, strategic planning and effective communication, I turned my work toward mediation.  I felt that conflict was the inevitable instigator of change, and as such could be used for transformation.  Since 2005, I’ve worked with couples going through separation and divorce and high-conflict co-parents.  In recent years, I’ve been drawn to work at a deeper level.  I became increasingly curious about what drives us toward and away from things, what gives our lives meaning, how we heal from trauma and how we come to terms with death and grief. To pursue these questions, I first studied to become a death doula then engrossed myself in the study of psychedelics as they relate to psychological growth, spiritualism and transformation. I’m curious about the organic progress of human development and how it is impacted by relationships, the awareness of death, and our sense of meaning and purpose. I’m interested in walking alongside people as they sort these questions out for themselves and find their own questions.