The Story

In 2004, after moving to Asheville and shaking up my life in every way possible, I left my career in organization development and research, and I devoted myself to mediation. I was drawn to the capacity for transformation that appears when we are in conflict and I was curious about the way two “truths” can co-exist. I studied the patterns of attachment, dependency, autonomy and fear in relationships as I assisted couples in the unraveling of that fabric.

A decade later, I was introduced to psychedelics and experienced my own healing and Grace. The psychedelics addressed a curiosity in me about how we humans make meaning of our stories that help us forge ahead, access our strengths, get beyond the incapacitating pain of trauma, grow from grief and face death.

In response, I first studied death. I read and took a death doula training which helped prepared me for the increase of death that occurs in the second half of life. Itching for more, I then returned to school to get a masters in clinical mental health counseling so that I could study these big questions and figure out how to fit myself into the puzzle of support.

The gift that I discovered in this unconventional choice to return to school later in life is the ability to integrate various aspects of myself into the process. I bring together my curiosity about holding multiple truths simultaneously with my appreciation for conflict, my acceptance of death, my attending to the whispers of the body, and my love of story with my ongoing quest to find my most authentic self.

Sara is magical. She has a gift. She can keep the peace while making sure people are being heard and knows when and how to cut out the things that are unhelpful and do not contribute a solution. She knows how keep people focus and rooted in reality so that feelings can be acknowledged but not let emotions drive things into unproductive or dangerous places. She made a very painful and potentially dangerous situation do able.
— client review

Degrees & Certificates


  • M.A. in Organization Development and Transformation from California Institute of Integral Studies

  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lenoir Rhyne University

  • B.A. in Psychology from The Evergreen State College



  • Member American Counseling Association

  • Partner/Member Center for Conscious Living and Dying

Getting Started

Finding the right fit is important to both of us. For that reason, I offer a complimentary phone interview to address any questions or concerns you might have before scheduling an appointment.

Every situation is unique.  Please contact Sara to set up a free 15 minute phone consultation.